In the affiliate marketing world it is very common to get a call from an affiliate who claims to be the next Steve Jobs. Funnily enough, this potential affiliate also has the greatest website in the world and they are able to generate millions of pounds worth of traffic in the space of a …

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Have you been living on Mars over the past fortnight? If so, you still probably heard about Kanye West taking to Twitter to announce a personal debt of more than 50 million dollars. You rapped about gold diggers, Kanye, you should have known better! In his attempts to work his way out of the red, …

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I often see members of the affiliate marketing community unhappy about being rejected by the affiliate network of their choice. During today’s #MonetiseMonday, Clive Smith looks at why affiliate network’s have to take precautions when approving new affiliate partners to their network, and gives affiliate marketers guidance on how to make sure they maximise their chances …

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