Marketing Event Calendars: How You Could Use Them in Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy

No matter what month or season it is, there is always something going on. From worldwide celebrations to national sporting events, there are always opportunities to enhance your marketing strategy. Many businesses use specific calendars to plan their social media content for the year. These calendars map out key events throughout the year that allow […]

How to Make Your Online Marketing Campaigns Successful This Christmas

It is official! It’s the 1st December. For some, the tree would have already been put up and decorated to absolute perfection, the ‘don’t-eat-until-Christmas’ chocolate tins would have already been plunged into (we won’t tell…) and those all-important decorative jumpers would have been fished out from the back of the wardrobe, ready for Christmas Jumper Day […]

Understanding the Consumer Decision Making Process

From a business perspective, the consumer decision making process can be broken down into five basic steps. Economist John Dewey developed the theory in 1910 and it has become a staple marketing theory ever since. This theory involves identifying a need, researching available products, evaluating alternatives on the market, the purchase decision and then a […]

Revisiting Three Marketing Campaigns That Changed The Way Brands Communicate

We can all think of something interesting – or controversial – a brand has done to catch the attention of their audience. With gripping social media debates, personalised campaigns and sassy advertisements, throughout the years brands have innovated their strategies to heighten brand awareness and resonance. Let’s revisit three different campaigns that effectively captured the […]