No matter what month or season it is, there is always something going on. From worldwide celebrations to national sporting events, there are always opportunities to enhance your marketing strategy. Many businesses use specific calendars to plan their social media content for the year. These calendars map out key events throughout the year that allow […]
New To Affiliate Marketing? 10 Terms That You Should Know
Are you new to the world of affiliate marketing, either as an advertiser, a network or an affiliate? Chances are, you have probably already come across many acronyms and terms that mean absolutely nothing to you. But fear not! Below are 10 of the most common terms that will appear during your daily work. 1. […]
How Important is Goal Setting?
2024 is upon us. Cue the classic ‘So what are your New Year’s resolutions?’ question that is bound to be thrown around more than once at breakfast on 1st January. But when it comes to setting yourself goals for the year, is there anything wrong with that? From a personal perspective, goals can be anything from […]
10 More Affiliate Marketing Terms That You Should Know
You may have read our previous post ‘New To Affiliate Marketing? 10 Terms That You Should Know’. But are you eager to learn more? Well, we’ve got you! Here are ten more terms and acronyms that are commonly used in affiliate marketing that you will definitely come across if you work in the industry. 1. […]
Thoughts on Seasonal and Themed Creatives
I can confidently say that we all become shocked when we see those chocolate eggs appear on the shelves of our local supermarkets in January. As tempting as they are, we’re probably all still indulging on the mountain of festive snacks that are leftover at this point. Nevertheless, they still appear on cue every single […]
Social Media as a Search Engine?
Ever wondered what was wrong with the boiler when you got back home on a winter’s day and stepping into the house was like stepping into the Arctic? Needed that extra bit of home décor inspiration when it came to redecorating? Wanted to know if buying the newest skincare product was going to be worth […]
How to Make Your Online Marketing Campaigns Successful This Christmas
It is official! It’s the 1st December. For some, the tree would have already been put up and decorated to absolute perfection, the ‘don’t-eat-until-Christmas’ chocolate tins would have already been plunged into (we won’t tell…) and those all-important decorative jumpers would have been fished out from the back of the wardrobe, ready for Christmas Jumper Day […]
Understanding the Consumer Decision Making Process
From a business perspective, the consumer decision making process can be broken down into five basic steps. Economist John Dewey developed the theory in 1910 and it has become a staple marketing theory ever since. This theory involves identifying a need, researching available products, evaluating alternatives on the market, the purchase decision and then a […]
Revisiting Three Marketing Campaigns That Changed The Way Brands Communicate
We can all think of something interesting – or controversial – a brand has done to catch the attention of their audience. With gripping social media debates, personalised campaigns and sassy advertisements, throughout the years brands have innovated their strategies to heighten brand awareness and resonance. Let’s revisit three different campaigns that effectively captured the […]