Marketing Event Calendars: How You Could Use Them in Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy
No matter what month or season it is, there is always something going on. From worldwide celebrations to national sporting events, there are always opportunities to enhance your marketing strategy.
Many businesses use specific calendars to plan their social media content for the year. These calendars map out key events throughout the year that allow marketing departments to carefully create themed content. Why? Because it engages the user, builds a relationship and makes the brand more relevant in a crowded space. In return, businesses may see a surge in engagement and sales.
Typically, these event calendars indicate bank holidays, religious holidays and major events that a large number of the nation may show interest in; for example, the 2024 Olympics. However, it is also important to remember key events that relate to your market or niche. Do you operate in the fashion industry? The likes of London, Milan and Paris Fashion Week should definitely be included in your calendar. If your business sells sporting clothes or equipment, then major sporting events such as the London Marathon and Wimbledon should be indicated.
How can this be applied to your affiliate marketing strategy?
As well as helping you out with your social media or PR strategies, content calendars can double up as a way of enhancing your affiliate marketing strategy.
Having a clear, visual document that outlines key events and seasons allows you to quickly and effectively identify opportunities to produce themed creatives. For example, knowing when the August bank holiday is approaching gives you time to create banners and HTMLs that reflect BBQs, gatherings and sunny days to help promote those additional summer-related purchases that people might make around bank holidays.
Different events can also present different opportunities for a range of new offers. For example, if you send sweepstake offers, you could plan to give away themed products such as a chocolate egg hamper for Easter or home décor advent calendars for the festive season.
It is important to keep in mind what you want to achieve when selecting which events to include in your calendar. If the event does not align to your product, brand or service, then there is no point using it to target users.
affiliate marketing, digital marketing, lead generation, marketing