The United Kingdom’s decision to exit the European Union caused the strength of the pound to drop last week. Publisher Manager James speaks to Clive, Monetise’s Business Development Manager, about whether this will affect the UK lead gen industry…
The New Era of Emotional Marketing
Emotional marketing; a phrase coined many years ago by the Coca Cola Company. It’s been tested many times and shown to have a huge impact in the likelihood of an advertising campaign being successful. It’s all about passing a message that builds on someone’s ego, makes him or her feel empowered, happy and motivated. All […]
Social Media Marketing: Adapt to the Algorithms!
Paid adverts have been a seamless part of social networking feeds for quite some time now. ‘Sponsored’ and ‘Featured’ posts slip smoothly on to our timelines, booted with the ability to like and share just like any other. Gone were the days that ads popping up on your feed were as alarming as that idiot you unfollowed […]
Time, money – it costs to be fraudulent
In the affiliate marketing world it is very common to get a call from an affiliate who claims to be the next Steve Jobs. Funnily enough, this potential affiliate also has the greatest website in the world and they are able to generate millions of pounds worth of traffic in the space of a month. […]