Monetise Monday: Let’s Talk Management!

In the latest edition of Monetise Monday, our very own Head of Network Performance – Clive Smith got on a call with the Director of Network Operations at Submission Technology – Andy Barden to talk management and coaching styles. Between them there is over 20 years of marketing experience (we will leave you to work […]

Monetise’s Early-2017 Networking Round-Up

It’s been a(nother) busy week on Planet Monetise. After kicking the year off with a trip to Las Vegas for four days of roulette and expensive cocktails Affiliate Summit West, the team were on the road again in mid-February. James and Clive went down to London for the aptly-named London Affiliate Conference, which was a big meet-up for […]

Monetise Monday – SubIDs

Time for another Monetise Monday, as James speaks to Clive about how publishers can utilise SubIDs to help optimise their campaigns. Also on the agenda is Affiliate Summit East, as Clive and Ricky head off to New York on July 31st. You can set up a meeting with the pair by heading here.