7 Reasons Why Affiliates Have to Be Promoting Mobile Offers in 2015 – Monetise Monday

Mobile technology is booming. Where as opportunities for desktop marketing have kind of plateaued in recent times, the mobile horizon is only just beginning to broaden.

If that’s not reason enough then here’s Clive, in today’s Monetise Monday, explaining why running mobile offers is an absolute must for all affiliates in 2015.

For reference, here’s a still of this week’s Monetise Monday whiteboard.

7 Reasons Why Affiliates Have to Be Promoting Mobile Offers in 2015
Scalable – There’s high potential for growth for the mobile platform, the number of users of mobile devices are ever-expanding and that means more volume of customers. Taking advantage of this will only aid your return on investment.

Less competitive – Spend on advertisement for mobile is much less when compared with desktop. This ‘less competitive’ keyword spend once again means greater return on investment.

Your learning curve – There’s no running away from the fact that mobile marketing is going to explode, it’s already growing rapidly and is only going to get bigger. Everybody who is serious about maintaining their performance is going to have to familiarise themselves with the process and getting on board sooner rather than later will give you an advantage over others.

Mobile demand growing faster than publisher supply – The demand for mobile data/leads is growing much quicker than publishers can push traffic to. This not only proves a positive sign for the future of mobile affiliate marketing, but also means affiliates can expect higher payouts while demand is so high.

Technology is still in its infancy – Whilst mobile technology is still relatively new (compared to desktop) there’s room for innovation in the affiliate marketing industry – just as the introduction of desktop allowed for new innovations in affiliate marketing back in the 90’s and 00’s.

New brands that don’t exist on desktop – The rise in mobile technology has led to a surge of mobile targeted products and brands, such as mobile games, applications and more. This would mean missing out on a significant volume of customers if mobile marketing were to be ignored.

More accessible to customers – The more and more mobile technology grows, the more we are using mobile devices as our go-to platform for internet access; it’s convenient, consistent and relatively quicker than desktop access. This means we’re able to target people at anytime, anyplace.

There you have it – 7 solid reasons why you should be pushing mobile offers in 2015. Remember, it’s all about recognising opportunities for improving performance, and mobile offers opportunities by the bucket-load.

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